Daily Archives: July 29, 2011

Whats your star Sign??

In Design Shed Ireland they have new and exciting artists coming in all the time. This week they have a new range added to the glass painting. these are a full range of star sign fish…

Rita Pettigrew Glass Painting

Rita Pettigrew Glass Painting

You can view what other art and handmade crafts are appearing in design shed this weekend and every weekend by clicking on art and craft on their website www.designshedireland.com they also have an ongoing blog here that you can subscribe to and see whats new and fresh all the time

There is also tarot reading available in the cozy zone in the market….through the tunnel opposite scrummy mummy

You can see a map of the market and locations of all the stall holders on the website www.blackrockmarket.com

We are open all weekend and black holiday monday too so plenty of time to pop down and have a wander. We have fantastic food in the cafe and from the wok also. And plenty of other goodies from scrummy mummy and other hand baked stalles and dont forget to fill up a few bags of the old skool sweets!!!

Remember to get your organic Veg down the back of the market too before its all sold out!